Remember Pearl Harbor!
- Prime with Tamiya XF-65 Field Grey thinned 40-50% Mr. Thinner self-levelling lacquer thinner.
- Base coat VMC 886 Green Grey. Highlight as necessary mixed with flesh tone.
- Weapon wood: VPA 311 New Wood, highlight VPA 303 Yellowish Rust.
- Weapon metal: VMC 866 Green Grey, highlight VMC 991 Dark Sea Grey.
- Sling: VMC 981 Orange Brown.
- Water bottle: VPA 303 Yellowish Rust.
- Bread bag: VMC 819 Iraqui Sand.
- Black leather: Pro Acryl Dark Warm Grey, highlight mixed with flesh tone.
- Low boots: VPA 312 Leather Belt, highlight mixed with flesh tone.
- Zeltbahn: Base VMC German Camo Beige; brown VPA 312 Leather Belt, green VMC 833 German Camo Bright Green.
- Helmet/messkit/gasmask cannister: Leave XF-65 or Pro Acryl Dark Camo Green (colors are identical), highlight mixed with flesh tone.
- MP40 mag pouch: VMC 914 Green Ochre, highlight VMC 819 Iraqui Sand.
- E-tool: blade as weapon metal, handle VMC 845 Sunny Skintone.
- Wash with full strength Agrax Earthshade. As always with washes, I was hesitant as I've had too many paint jobs ruined by washes. Really pleasant surprise. Ina addition to shading, the Agrax imparted a shade to the feldgrau that matches very well to the ugly brownish late-war feldgrau.