Thursday, December 15, 2022

Sharp Practice French

 Core (infantry) force:

  1. Line Infantry, three groups of 8 (24 Figures);
  2. Line Grenadiers, one group of 8;
  3. Line Voltigeurs Skirmishers, two groups of 6 (12 Figures).
Total: 44 figures + Big Men


  1. Dragoons, one group of 8 mounted;
  2. Dragoons, one group of 8 dismounted;
  3. 6pdr Artillery w/crew;
  4. Hussars, one group of 8.


  • Voltigeur Collars: VMC976 Buff
  • Cold white uniform (dirty):
    1. Aly's over white primer;
    2. Drybrush VMC-919 Cold White;
    3. 1st Highlight: VMC-919 with a tiny bit of ProAcryl Dark Blue, mixed 1:1 with ProAcryl Glaze Medium;
    4. 2nd Highlight: VMC-919.
  • Cold white uniform (clean): Apothecary White or Payne's Grey wash or VMW Blue Grey (thinned) over white primer.  VMC Silvergrey, Flat Aluminum, Offwhite.
  • Shakos, uncovered; ProAcryl Dark Neutral Gray
  • Shako covers; gaiters; greatcoat: ProAcryl Warm Gray 
  • Crossbelts (warm white): VMA Aged White or VGC Bone White or VMC Beige, PA Ivory, PA Bright Ivory
  • Red Uniform Piping: PA Burnt Red, PA Bold Pyrrole Red
  • Warm White: PA Bright Warm Grey, AP Soft Tone, glaze PA Bright Warm Grey, highlight up with PA Ivory glazes
  • Black Leather: PA Dark Warm Grey, shade, VMW Dark Grey, highlight up with PA Ivory

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

44th Foot First Afghan War Painting Notes


  1. VMC London Grey
  2. Vallejo Model Wash Dark Grey
  3. Overbrush VMC London Grey
  4. Drybrush VMC Blue Grey Pale
  5. Glaze 1:7 FW Paynes Grey:VMC Glazing Medium
  6. Highlight VMC London Grey
Haversack: VMC Buff wash Agrax
Black Leather: VMC Black Grey
Black Fabric: Andrea Black Base

Crossbelts: VMC Deck Tan

Poshteens: Foundry Rawhide Triad

Musket Stocks : Foundry Musket Stock Triad

Monday, August 1, 2022

Warlord Epic Scale Napoleonics Painting Notes


  • Shakos, boots, Rifles belts: Contrast Black Templar
  • Locks, barrels: Metal Color Gunmetal; highlight Metal Color Steel.  Highlight lock with Metal Color Silver
  • Bayonet: Metal Color Steel, highlight Metal Color Silver
  • Stock: Contrast Gore-Grunta. highlight VGC Parasite Brown
  • Straps/piping: VMC Ivory or VMC Offwhite
  • Brass hardware: Retributor Armor, highlight Metal Color Gold
  • Flesh: Contrast Guilliman Flesh or Fyreslayer Flesh, highlight VMC Tan Yellow
British Line/Light:
  • Blouse: Contrast Blood Angels Red (Flesh Tearers Red for officer), highlight VMC Vermillion
  • Trousers, greatcoat: Contrast Basilicanum Grey or VMC London Grey and highlight
  • Sash: Foundry Winestain Red Triad
  • Pack, cartridge box: Contrast Black Templar
  • Haversack: VMC Buff or VMC Deck Tan
  • Water bottle: VMC Blue Grey Pale
British Rifles:
  • Uniform: Foundry British Bottle Green triad
  • 4eme Co Pom-pom (Violet): VGC Warlord Purple, highlight Foundry Winestain Red Light
  • Greatcoat (worn): Speedpaint Palllid Bone, highlight VMC Dark Sand
  • Trousers: Highlight VMC Offwhite over zenital
British Facing Colors:
  • Blue: VMC Medium Blue, highlight VMC Andrea Blue
To be continued: