Friday, March 29, 2024

15mm ETO Sherman Notes

  1. Modulate w Mr. Color Olive drab set
  2. Highlight with Mig Ammo Olive Drab Shine
  3. Modulate with Abt.502 Buff
  4. Paint metal parts of track with Mig/VMC Track Primer 
  5. Rubber pads/road wheels VPA Dark Rubber
  6. MGs VMC Dark Seagreen, highlight VMC Basalt Grey 
  7. Drybrush:
    • Track rubber Pro Acryl Light Warm Grey
    • Track metal VMC Oily Steel
  8. Stowage
    • Tarps: VPA Canvas, Agrax, Highlight VPA Canvas:VPA Light Mud OR VMC Green Grey 886
    • Straps: VPA Leather Belt, highlight Foundry Deep Brown Leather Light
    • Crates: VPA Old Wood, highlight VPA Iraqi Sand
    • Metal: VMC Brown Violet
    • Tools: VPA Old Wood/highlight VPA Light Mud, VMC Basalt Grey
    • Camo Netting: VMC Green Grey 886
  9. Gloss varnish
  10. Decals
  11. Flat varnish
  12. Filter with Abt.502 Bitume.
  13. Gloss varnish
  14. Pin wash with AK Dark Brown for Green.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

US Marine 1944

Uniform: Base SW-56:SW-26; Shadow: Glaze SW-20; Highlight SW-56:SW-26:SW-29.
782 Gear: SW-29:SW-28, touch of SW-26.
Helmet cover: Base SW-29, needs more contrast to the dots. v2: VMC Stone Grey, Chocolate Brown, USA Tan Earth
Seraphim Sepia thinned 1:1 or Army Painter Soft Tone (less yellow)