Saturday, January 18, 2014

PSC/OF! Stug III Build Notes


  1. Prime Vallejo.  White for OF! Stugs, black for PSC.
  2. Basecoat Tamiya Dark Yellow.
  3. Three-color scheme on OF! Stugs, airbrushed freehand with Renegade.
  4. Two coats of straight Future.  PSC Stug dried overnight, OF! for two hours.
  5. Wash with AK Interactive Brown Wash for Panzer Yellow.
  6. Dry two hours, rub off with Q-tip.  The Future drying time on the OF Stug was not adequate; some paint was removed.
  7. Flat coat of 3:1 Future:Tamiya Flat Clear X-21.  Turned out well.
  8. Pigments after flat coat dries overnight.

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