Monday, December 6, 2021

Civitas Imperialis Test

 Scheme #1:

Base VMC Khaki

Heavy drybrush VMC Buff

Agrax Earthshade

Light drybrush VMC Ivory

Roof VMC Basalt Grey

 Scheme #2:

Prime Stynlrez Red-Brown

Base VMA Concrete

Heavy drybrush VMC Stone Grey

Agrax Earthshade

Light drybrush VMC Deck Tan

Roof VMC Basalt Grey

Friday, November 26, 2021

Epic Elysian Drop Troops

 No list as of yet. Still trying to sort out the rule sets.  Vanguard Airborne, absolutely beautiful miniatures.  I am painting them to look like WWII US Airborne, which I think are very much the inspiration for Elysian Drop Troops anyway.

Prime Stynlrez White

Uniform: Aggaros Dunes

Armor: Creed Camo

Flesh: Guilliman Flesh

Weapons: Basilicanum Grey

Boots: 1:1 Snakebite Leather:Gore-Grunta Fur

I think I'll tackle my 15mm Airborne very similarly.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Minature Wargaming in Greyhawk Campaign

 In the mid-80s, the Golden Age of TSR, I was fascinated by the World of Greyhawk. I participated in any sort of RPG since the late 90s, but I've never lost that fascination.

My current project is putting together tabletop forces for mass battles in the Flanesses. My problems tends to be that I tend to require verisimilitude to be interested.  I'm not a fan of "superhero" fantasy.  Furthermore, unless the battle tactics at least align somewhat with medieval or dark age warfare I would lose interest.

I've been mulling over questions of verisimilitude, which I will endeavor to answer in subsequent posts:

  • How does linear warfare exist in a setting with battlefield magic that is at least as effective as 20th-century artillery? 
  • How would the continued existence of "evil" races be tolerated in a setting militarily dominated by humans/demihumans? If the evil races present such a danger to humanity how have they not been extirpated or at least reduced to numbers small enough to not present a threat?  There has been at least one attempt, the "Hateful Wars."
  • How can Late Medieval/Early Renaissance cultures simultaneously exist and interact with Dark Age cultures? The Frost Barbarians (Vikings) exist in the same continent as Elizabethan Nyrond.  One may assume that while the Frost Barbarians are not as advanced as the leading kingdoms of the Flanesses, they have normal human intelligence and would attempt to obtain new technologies.  I'll have to research this. I have the sense it this situation isn't uncommon in history.
  • Gunpowder.  I don't know if I want to include it or not.  The French used gunpowder artillery to great advantage at Castilon, but I haven't found a great many further examples of gunpowder being decisive in the time period I want to emulate but my research isn't extensive.
More to follow.  The answers to some of my questions will be dictated by the miniatures I have available to me.  I have most of my areas of interest covered in 15mm.  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Vallejo Surface Primer Revisited

 Attempt to match Greyseer: 13:1:1 White:Black:Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver.  Short bursts. No tip dry on one 15mm cavalry. 26psi through Badger 200G with needle backed out ~1/8".

SUCCESS! After freaking years.  Short bursts are key.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Accidental Red Roan

 1. Undercoat Foundry Chestnut Base

2. Midtone VMA Tan Earth airbrush.

3. Heavy wash Coat d'Arms Chestnut ink on mane and tail. Very light overall wash to bring back red color.

4. Drybrush VMC Ivory.  Might try a stipple effect but that's iffy in 15mm. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

15mm Orc Project

Starting 15mm Orc project. It wasn't really in the queue. I was goint to continue with the 15mm Barons' Wars, but after i compete the last 3 or 4 mounted figures i am going to need someth in ng for them to fight. Going to tary some speed painting techniques. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

My Center

 Nobody reads this, so I will write my thoughts down here.  On Mother's Day 2021, my grandmother Estelle Elizabeth Roberts (nee Kincaid), passed from this earth aged 98.  May she rejoin my grandfather, and her (8 or 9) brothers and sisters, and all her loved ones in Heaven.  

I was given a wondrous gift yesterday.  My wife had left for town so I came in from my office to keep watch over Grandma and Willene.  I made Willene breakfast and then went to sit with Grandma.  I knew that morning that it would be her last day.  Her breathing had become shallow and rapid.  I sat down and read her the 23rd and 27th Psalms, and sang "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder" to her.  In recent years she hold told me frequently that her mother sang that hymn beautifully.  After I had finished, I got up to get some water (actually coffee; she loved it so I wanted to give her a last taste of it) to moisten her lips and tongue.  I got back to her side not 30 seconds later and she was gone, 11:55am 09 May 2021.

I want to record some memories before they fade.

"The bedbugs and the roaches were having a game of ball..."

"Adam and Eve and Pinchme went down to the river to swim.  Adam and Eve drowned, who was left?"

"A great monstrous bird..."


More as it comes to me.