Monday, May 10, 2021

My Center

 Nobody reads this, so I will write my thoughts down here.  On Mother's Day 2021, my grandmother Estelle Elizabeth Roberts (nee Kincaid), passed from this earth aged 98.  May she rejoin my grandfather, and her (8 or 9) brothers and sisters, and all her loved ones in Heaven.  

I was given a wondrous gift yesterday.  My wife had left for town so I came in from my office to keep watch over Grandma and Willene.  I made Willene breakfast and then went to sit with Grandma.  I knew that morning that it would be her last day.  Her breathing had become shallow and rapid.  I sat down and read her the 23rd and 27th Psalms, and sang "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder" to her.  In recent years she hold told me frequently that her mother sang that hymn beautifully.  After I had finished, I got up to get some water (actually coffee; she loved it so I wanted to give her a last taste of it) to moisten her lips and tongue.  I got back to her side not 30 seconds later and she was gone, 11:55am 09 May 2021.

I want to record some memories before they fade.

"The bedbugs and the roaches were having a game of ball..."

"Adam and Eve and Pinchme went down to the river to swim.  Adam and Eve drowned, who was left?"

"A great monstrous bird..."


More as it comes to me.

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